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Shopping with Mom Html5

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Shopping with Mom is a fun adventure game for girls! Are you excited to go to the grocery for a shopping activity with Mom? Help Mom shop for her favorite make up items. While at the mall, play a small arcade game and grab the toys you like! Drop by in the ice cream bar and make your own rolls royce ice cream rolls! There's truly a lot of fun thing to do at the mall! Drop by in the Drawing Kid zone and color the fish picture! Of course you can not forget to do dress shopping at the mall right? Enjoy shopping new dresses for you and your Mom! Finally, pay all the groceries at the cashier! Shopping is so much fun! Don't forget to share your shopping experience with your friends by posting it in your profile using the Y8 screenshot feature! Enjoy playing Shopping with Mom game here at!

Hinzugefügt 15 Sep 2020
Spielers Spielscreenshot
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