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BomBomBomb is fun game similar to Minesweeper. Your goal is to uncover all the squares on a grid that do not contain mines without being "blown up" by clicking on a square with a mine underneath. The location of most mines is discovered through a logical process, but some require guessing, usually with a 50-50 chance of being correct. Clicking on the game board will reveal what is hidden underneath the chosen square or squares (a large number of blank squares [bordering 0 mines] may be revealed in one go if they are adjacent to each other). Some squares are blank while others contain numbers, with each number being the number of mines adjacent to the uncovered square. Open the mass left-click the cursor in accordance with the mass. Release that it is a state in which marked (Mass is not left-click, which marked) If a normal cell has a number, it indicates that there is an object cell around that cell. Enjoy playing this game here at!

Hinzugefügt 30 Apr 2021