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Beauty Commercial
Celeb Commercial
Mikros realized the picture postproduction and visual effects of the film, including the extension of 3D water on all levels.
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Schweppes Commercial: What Did You Expect?
Funny Baby Playing Water Slide
Google Video: Zeitgeist – Here’s to 2013
Evian - Spider-Man The amazing Baby&Me 2
Popchips Commercial: Katy and the Popcats
Fishing Shrimp
Sky Video: Sky Difference with David Beckham
Portsmouth Harbour at Dusk
Katy Perry Flute Fail
A Dog's Fishing Adventure
Budweiser Commercial: Jay Z’s Show
GCNP: Water Temperature & Flow Variations
Adidas Commercial: The New Speed of Light
Rotting Log on Water Close Up
Adidas/Foot Locker: Here Comes the King
Shoreline Sunset
Gisele Bundchen Pulls Off a Song for H&M
Ink Flow Close Up