Bist du ein Roboter?
Who is this little boy in the cave among diamonds, stones and brick walls?
He is Lee Kee Child. His mission is to collect diamonds in the caves. If he was collecting all of diamonds what he needs, the door will open and he can continue collecting diamonds on the next level.
Maybe can you help him to collect enough diamonds and completing levels?
Try it out!
In this work maybe little enemies will be disturbing him. These are flies and butterflies. Them are useful bugs for breaking brick walls and disappearing/isolating acid.
Try how it works!
The butterflies are the sources of diamonds. If he is dropping a butterfly with a stone it will turn into diamonds, and Lee Kee Child will gain up to 9 diamonds. In some levels has been another source of the diamonds by the isolated acid. The acid will increase randomly on its neighbour green fields and empty fields. If he can isolate successfully the acid by stones or diamonds before it reached up a big size, it turns into diamonds, else it turns into stones.
Try what happens when the bugs are impacting into the acid!
You can see a small diamond icon and two numbers in the top left corner. The first number means how many diamonds collected by Lee Kee Child, the second how many
diamonds need to completing the level.
Have fun!