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So what the media industry needs to understand, what the technology guys have done well, and Google did this really well, is prototype and release early. You're going to shoot an episode because you think it's the cheapest bit of doing a twelve part? Why don't you just go and get the character to do five minutes to screen to introduce themselves and if the audience like that character, then do the episode. So why don't you get the actor to do his or hers interview piece? Audition as the character and let the audience see that: 'Yeah, he'd be good for that, I think.' Eight out of ten people say: 'Give it a go. Move on.' So you test everything first. Then build it up. Because if you're testing, you also see what other interests people have. And at the end of the day, when you get that film out there, the cinema is going to be selling services. So why aren't you already planning more services around the content that you want to make? We've got to stop thinking about pieces of content. Transmedia gives us the idea that there's services and content mixing together.